5 Free Modern Tools For Web Developers In 2024

In this article, I will talk about some free tools for improving your developing experience in 2023.
1- Roadmap.sh
For newbies and developers who want to improve themselves with a roadmap, this website is very useful.
Includes most roadmaps with related URLs for frontend, backend and also for DevOps and etc.
Website: https://roadmap.sh
2- Lorem Picsum
Personally, I love this website. You can easily integrate some placeholders and boost your development speed.
It takes images from upstash and also it is open-sourced.
Website: https://picsum.photos
3- Undraw.co
Finding illustrations is sometimes hard. From this website, you can easily find some illustrations for free.
Website: https://undraw.co
4. Loader.io
With the free package, you can make load tests for your applications easily.
Website: https://loader.io
5. Omatsuri
It is an open-source web application that includes 12 front-end tools.
Tools are;
- Triangle generator,
- Color shades generator,
- Gradient generator,
- Page dividers,
- SVG compressor,
- SVG → JSX converter,
- Base64 encoding,
- Fake data generator,
- Symbols collection,
- Lorem ipsum,
- CSS cursors,
- Keyboard events codes