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Best Practices for Naming SQL Indexes

Profile image of Atakan Demircioğlu
By Atakan Demircioğlu
Fullstack Developer

When naming SQL indexes, adhering to a consistent naming convention is essential for clarity and maintainability. 

Follow these best practices to create effective SQL index names:

Use a prefix to clearly indicate that the object is an index. Common prefixes include:

  • idx_ (e.g., idx_users_email)

Table Name

Include the name of the table associated with the index. This helps quickly identify the related table.

  • Example: For a table named users, you might start with users_.

Column Names

Incorporate the names of the columns covered by the index. For indexes on multiple columns, separate them with underscores.

  • Example: Indexing the email column in the users table could be named idx_users_email.
CREATE INDEX idx_users_email
ON users (email);


For unique indexes, include uq_ in the name to denote uniqueness.

  • Example: uq_users_email for a unique index on the email column.
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX uq_users_email
ON users (email);

Composite Indexes

For indexes on multiple columns, list the columns in the order they are indexed.

  • Example: idx_users_lastname_firstname for an index on both lastname and firstname.
CREATE INDEX idx_users_lastname_firstname
ON users (lastname, firstname);

Example Naming Conventions

  • Non-unique index on email: idx_users_email
  • Unique index on email: uq_users_email
  • Composite index on lastname and firstname: idx_users_lastname_firstname

Best Practices

  • Be Descriptive: Ensure the name clearly conveys the index's purpose.
  • Limit Length: Keep names concise yet descriptive.
  • Consistency: Use the same naming pattern throughout the database to avoid confusion.

By following these guidelines, you can create SQL index names that are both informative and easy to manage.