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How to Change Wordpress Admin Password

Profile image of Atakan Demircioğlu
By Atakan Demircioğlu
Fullstack Developer

To update the WordPress admin password directly in the MySQL database, follow these steps:

1. Access the MySQL Database

Log in to your server using SSH or access your database using a tool like phpMyAdmin.

Select the WordPress database (often named something like wordpress, wp_database, or similar).

2. Locate the Admin User

The admin user data is stored in the wp_users table.

Use the following query to find the admin user by username (replace admin with your actual admin username if different):

SELECT * FROM wp_users WHERE user_login = 'admin';

3. Update the Admin Password

WordPress uses a hashing function called md5 for password security.

To update the password, use the following SQL query (replace newpassword with the desired password):

UPDATE wp_users SET user_pass = MD5('newpassword') WHERE user_login = 'admin';

Note: WordPress versions after 2.5+ use MD5 for backward compatibility in the database, but WordPress will rehash the password using the more secure wp_hash_password() function when the user logs in.

4. Verify the Change

After running the query, log in to your WordPress site using the new password.