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How to Improve LCP: A Comprehensive Guide

Profile image of Atakan Demircioğlu
By Atakan Demircioğlu
Fullstack Developer


Avoid lazy loading for your LCP image.

Implement efficient caching strategies to improve TTFB (Time to First Byte).

Use modern image formats for better performance.

Leverage a CDN for faster content delivery.

Consider using fetchpriority and preloading techniques.

For lazy loading, explore libraries like lazy-sizes or utilize native lazy loading features.


In today's digital landscape, website performance is critical for both user experience and search engine rankings. One of the key performance metrics is Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), which measures how quickly the main content of a page is visible to users. 

An optimal LCP score is crucial for reducing bounce rates and improving SEO. In this article, we'll explore how to improve LCP, along with related metrics like FCP (First Contentful Paint), especially focusing on mobile optimization and WordPress sites.

What is LCP?

Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) is a Core Web Vital metric defined by Google that measures the time it takes for the largest visible content element on a page to load. This could be an image, a block of text, or a video. A good LCP score is 2.5 seconds or less. Beyond this, users may start experiencing delays, leading to higher bounce rates.

How to Improve LCP

How to Improve LCP: A Comprehensive Guide image 1

Optimize Server Response Times

Server delays can significantly affect LCP. Implementing server-side improvements, such as reducing Time to First Byte (TTFB), using a Content Delivery Network (CDN), and leveraging faster hosting services, can enhance LCP. CDNs cache content closer to the user, reducing latency.

Implement Efficient Caching

By using browser caching, you can ensure that repeat visitors experience faster load times. Caching assets like images, CSS, and JavaScript files reduces the need to fetch resources from the server on every visit, improving LCP.

Optimize and Compress Images

Images often constitute the largest elements on a page. Using modern formats like WebP, compressing images, and delivering them via responsive images (using srcset) can significantly reduce the time it takes for the largest content to load.

Minimize JavaScript and CSS Blocking

Large CSS and JavaScript files can delay rendering, impacting LCP. Minify and combine CSS and JavaScript files, and defer non-critical scripts to ensure that the largest elements load quickly.

Preload Important Resources

Preloading critical assets such as fonts, hero images, or large content blocks can prioritize these elements during page load, reducing LCP. Use the link rel="preload" attribute to hint browsers to load these resources sooner.

How to Improve LCP on Mobile

Mobile devices often have slower network connections and less processing power than desktops, making LCP optimization crucial for mobile users.

Enable Adaptive Serving

Serve smaller, optimized assets for mobile users. This could include using smaller image files, reducing video quality, or even simplifying complex animations. Media queries can also be used to load mobile-friendly versions of assets.

Reduce Mobile-Specific CSS and JavaScript

Mobile pages should use minimal CSS and JavaScript to enhance performance. By removing non-essential styles and scripts for mobile users, you can drastically reduce LCP.

Optimize Mobile Font Loading

Fonts can be a significant source of delay, particularly on mobile. Use font-display options like swap to avoid invisible text while fonts load, and consider using system fonts where possible.

How to Improve LCP Score

Improving your LCP score requires a holistic approach, combining server optimizations, efficient asset delivery, and user-centered design.

Monitor Performance Regularly

Use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights, Lighthouse, or WebPageTest to continuously monitor your LCP score. Regular checks help you identify performance bottlenecks early and implement fixes promptly.

Optimize Web Fonts

Fonts can be resource-heavy, affecting LCP. Consider limiting the number of custom fonts used and use font-display strategies to prevent font load delays.

Upgrade to HTTP/2

HTTP/2 allows for multiple file requests to be served concurrently over a single connection. This protocol upgrade can reduce load times and improve your LCP score.

How to Improve LCP on WordPress

WordPress is a popular CMS, but it can be slow if not optimized. Here's how you can improve LCP specifically for WordPress sites.

Use a Performance-Optimized Theme

Choose a lightweight, performance-focused theme that doesn’t include unnecessary features or bloat. Themes like Astra or GeneratePress are known for their speed and efficiency.

Leverage Caching Plugins

Plugins like W3 Total Cache or WP Rocket can drastically improve LCP by caching resources and reducing the number of requests made to the server.

Optimize WordPress Plugins

Excessive plugins can slow down your WordPress site, negatively impacting LCP. Regularly audit your plugins and remove any that are not essential. Also, ensure that your plugins are up to date, as developers frequently release performance improvements.

Optimize Database Queries

Using a plugin like WP-Optimize to clean up your database can reduce query times, improving LCP. Optimized databases ensure faster content delivery, particularly for dynamic content.


Improving LCP is essential for better user experience and higher search engine rankings. By focusing on server optimizations, efficient resource loading, and specific mobile and WordPress strategies, you can enhance your website's performance significantly. Regular monitoring and updates will ensure that your LCP scores stay within the optimal range, providing a smooth and fast user experience.

This guide should help you address the common issues surrounding LCP and offer actionable solutions to improve your site's performance.