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Inheritance vs Composition with PHP Examples

Profile image of Atakan Demircioğlu
By Atakan Demircioğlu
Fullstack Developer

My notes about composition, and inheritance on the PHP side.

Inheritance vs Composition with PHP Examples image 1composition-inheritance-php

Inheritance vs Composition with PHP Examples

My notes about composition, and inheritance on the PHP side.

Inheritance In PHP

  • Basically, the child class will inherit all the public and protected properties and methods from the parent class (w3)
  • Inheritance creates a dependency between child and parent and this breaks the encapsulation
  • An inherited class is defined by using the extends keyword
  • It is an IS-A relationship
  • Inheritance is not the right tool for reusing the code pieces
  • final keyword can be used to prevent class inheritance (final class Payment)
  • final keyword can be used to prevent method overriding
  • It can cause to inherit of useless methods and properties
  • In conclusion, by using inheritance to reuse the code here, we also introduce a tightly coupled, non-flexible, redundant, complex, and does not make sense object.

Composition In PHP

  • Basically, allows one class to contain another.
  • It is a HAS-A relationship
  • A good way for code reuse
  • Writing Unit tests are much easier
  • More flexible
  • More loosely coupled structure that avoids a fragile hierarchy of classes.
