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Warp! One Of The Best Terminal in 2024

Profile image of Atakan Demircioğlu
By Atakan Demircioğlu
Fullstack Developer

Check out this super cool thing for your computer's command line! It's called Warp! 

Ever wish your terminal was easier to use? Well, Warp is here to make it faster and friendlier. So, what makes it better than what you're using now? Let's find out!

You might be using fancy stuff like iterm2 with Oh-my-zsh plugins or themes. They do things like suggest commands, fix mistakes, and make everything colorful. But Warp takes it up a notch.

What are the features of Warp?

The first feature I liked was Warp AI. It brings built-in AI to the table. You can chat with Warp AI right from your Terminal and sort out all your coding issues without switching apps.

Warp AI

Plus, with Warp AI's command suggestions, just hit CTRL-` or # on the command line to get instant AI-powered recommendations.

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If you encounter any error you can easily ask to Warp AI for the solution to the problem. For making this you need to just select and click “Ask Warp AI”.

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Blocks Feature

Blocks are powerful units that consolidate commands and their outputs into one cohesive package. 

With Blocks, you can effortlessly:

  • Duplicate a command.
  • Duplicate a command's output.
  • Navigate directly to the beginning of a command's output.
  • Re-enter commands.
  • Share both a command and its output, complete with formatting.
  • Bookmark commands for quick reference and future use.

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Markdown Editor

Warp has a build in Markdown support and it can easily open markdown files. It can show Markdown files right in a split pane. No need for external editors

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Git Support

In addition to its other features, the Warp Developer Terminal includes built-in Git support. 

This allows you to efficiently handle your code repositories directly within the terminal emulator. From cloning repositories to committing changes and pushing to remote servers, you can streamline your workflow, especially for projects with regular code updates.


In Warp, workflows are customized commands that you can save with names, descriptions, and arguments for on-demand execution. 

Easily accessible from the Command Palette, these parameterized commands streamline your tasks by eliminating the need to switch contexts, offering enhanced searchability and convenience.

Also, you can check other article “Why did I switch to using Warp Terminal”.

To start using Warp, you can visit it from here.