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Tagged in: wordpress

Wordpress Responsive Images

Last updated: August 17, 2024 by Atakan Demircioğlu

Discover how to optimize your WordPress website's images for responsiveness with this comprehensive guide. Learn essential techniques and find a PHP example to streamline your implementation process. Elevate your site's user experience and performance today.

Where is the admin data located in Wordpress (WP) in MySQL

Last updated: August 22, 2024 by Atakan Demircioğlu

In a WordPress installation, the admin data, particularly user information, is stored in the MySQL database.

How to Change Wordpress Admin Password

Last updated: August 22, 2024 by Atakan Demircioğlu

To update the WordPress admin password directly in the MySQL database, firstly you need to connect to MySQL.

Why Updating To PHP 8.1 Crashed The Wordpress Site

Last updated: August 27, 2024 by Atakan Demircioğlu

Updating to PHP 8.1 can sometimes cause WordPress sites to crash due to compatibility issues with outdated plugins or themes. Discover common causes of this issue and follow our step-by-step guide to troubleshoot and resolve PHP 8.1 compatibility problems, ensuring your WordPress site runs smoothly.

How to Add Breadcrumbs to Your WordPress Site Using PHP

Last updated: August 27, 2024 by Atakan Demircioğlu

Learn how to add breadcrumbs to your WordPress site using PHP or a plugin. This guide covers step-by-step instructions for both methods, including code snippets and customization tips, to enhance navigation and improve user experience on your site.